SecuriFire 2000


The compact SecuriFire 2000 fire alarm control panel controls the system components and evaluates the detector data, either centralised or decentralised in the control panels networked in the SecuriLan. The detectors, the wide range of different input/output modules and the special detectors communicate directly with the control panel via the SecuriLineeXtended. Even already installed Securiton detectors can be integrated into a SecuriFire system problem-free. Thanks to the system design, SecuriFire 2000 is also tested and approved as a control panel for single-zone extinguishing systems (EN 12094-1 compliant)


Lightning-fast detection of incipient fires

Modular and decentralised architecture

Up to 4 addressable loops (totalling 14,000 m) with up to 1,000 elements per system

Fully redundant software design for permanent availability

Simple planning and programming

Backward and forward compatible

Cost-efficient solutions

Complies with the highest safety standards

Interfaces to the outside and to superordinate systems

Compact design